Thursday, July 31, 2008


well last night was a VERY LONG night. I barely slept at all. JAcob was up like every hour to hour nad a half. I slpet like in half hour spurts. I am not sure what is wrong with him but he is not running a fever at all. He was pretty content during the day yesteray though while I worked on Vender fair stuff again.

I got ALOT done. I was able to laminate the 5 signs i made for the chinese auction, 3 Signs for the refreshments, 3 signs for the desserts, and about half of the vender drink passes i made.

I did all that after revising them and printing them out.

I am hoping that Jacob is really not coming down with anything at all and that it is just his molars coming in on the bottom. He goes to an ear specialist today so we will see if it is an ear infection or not and what the dr says. We have our appointment at 11:15 today and thankfully my MIL is coming to watch Michael and Philip so i can take him by myself.

Hope you all have a good morning and I'll post again later to let you all know how the dr. Appointment went


Jody said...

Ugh sorry you still haven't gotten much sleep. I hope you find out what's up with Jacob soon and good luck at the doc's appointment. (((HUGS)))

amysalli said...

thanks jody