Monday, July 28, 2008

Relaxing Day of Sorts

well today i didn;t get up as early as i had wanted to but i will shoot for tomorrow agin to ge tup fairly early.

i did laundry, dishes, and cleaned my bedroom all before 11 this morning.

i ended up home all day since hubby had to take my car to work today as his is still sitting at the dealership waiting to be looked at since friday morning. He had to have it towed.

So now i need to make sure i am up earlier in themorning as i have to take him to work tomorrow so i can have my car to get a few things done for school and i have chiropractor appointment again because of my hip. It is actually my sciatica nerve and the dr. i talked to this morning told me going to a chiropractor should help.

so i ended up going to my chiropractor tonight after hubby came home from work and boy did it hurt when he was pushing on my hip area where i showed himthe pian was. it actually brought tears to my eyes.

so i have an ice pack to use and he told me to go ahead and use my seat massager with the heat on it as well.

so that was my day today. pretty relaxing and all.

hope everyone had a great day.


Jody said...

ugh sorry about your hip. My prayers are with you. I hope you are feeling better soon and try to rest when you can. I know you are busy but take a breather now and then (((HUGS)))

amysalli said...

i have been taking my laptop on
the couch with me and relaxing on the couch since it reclines. It is a little more comfortable for me at least for now.