Friday, July 31, 2009

Jump start on school

So you may be wondering why the title of this post. I got one of my books yesterday for school. My maacroeconomics book to be exact. Well i know classes don;t start till the 24th of August but since I am actually retaking this class since it did not transfer into penn state. I have decided to start going through the book already. I started going over the vocab in the book and taking notes on my own from the chapters.
I am also taking a pre-calculcus class which i am not to sure how i will do in. This is the other reason i have decided to start with my macro book already. I want to make sure i can keep my grades and my gpa up this semester.
Since i am not taking them online i am hoping that i will do better in them this time around and not have all the stress that i had with my classes at AIU. The stress had caused me to go to the hospital with what we had thought was a heart attack because of all the pain in my chest near my heart.
Thankfully the doctor told me it was all stress related and to reduce my stress level, which he knew was going to be hard expecially with being in school where the classes were only 5 weeks long, taking care of 3 kids, the house, and trying to juggle a marriage that has been on the rocks for quite some time now.

Well the 5 week classes have ended and I now have an Associate's Degree, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, they have even been helping out more with the house along with matt, the marriage is slowly, slowly getting better, since we started counseling.

That first night of counseling had some how made a dent in what was wrong. We go back on the 5th of august so we will see what the therapist thinks of how things have been going.

Today is going to be a long long day, as matt is working a 13 hour shift and he had gotten invited to go out with some friends and I had told him to go ahead since he has not been out with them in quite soem time. That and one of them is getting married in Nov. So i will be with the kids all day long and most of the night. they most likely will be asleep when he gets home. WE are however meeting up for lunch today so we will get to see him a little later in the day.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

No Photography Class

Well I found out that I cannot take the photography class i was going to take as it looks like it is going to be cancelled this semester as there are only 2 students signed up for the class and i am one of them. So i decided not to wait and find out at the last minute and be stuck with no other class to take so I have signed up for the college algebra 2 with trig. class. So i will be driving down to the campus three nights a week but on the bright side i will have my weekends free now. Two of the nights i will only be in class for about 1 1/2 hours so not to bad and i will have all day long with michael and philip being in school all day to do my homework for both classes.

I am still going to take the photography class but just not this semester. I think i will sign up for it next semester as long as it is available. I am looking forward to taking the class that i am going to get a new camera just for the class and of course so i can use it before then.

I am hoping to take it in the months of jan - may. then i can use it for the kids birthday parties and other stuff.

I am just hoping that i do good in the college algebra with trig class as it is considered a pre-calculus class and i did not do to good in applied calculus class that i took. but then again since this is a class that is a level under that i may do alright and i might even do better when i have to take the calculus class later.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Changes in School

well not long after i posted my last blog I found out that i can not become a world campus student. they said i do not hav eth math credits to do it. that i must take a pre-calculus class first then i can become a world wide web student at penn state.

So with that said i ended up changing my schedule of classes. I am still taking my macroeconomics class but i have to take it at the campus which is not to bad since it is only on monday nights. and i also get to take a photography class as well. so in future post i will be able to post some the pictures i take for my class. this class is a saturday class form 9 - 12 so not to bad and i do not have to worry about a sitter fo the kids at all.

with my monday night classes they do not start till 6:30 and i can drop the kids off to matt at work before i leave and head to class or my mother- in- law will watch them for about an hour till he gets home so i can go.

i am getting really excited to start my classes expecially since it has been about 3 1/2 years since i have actually been in a classroom. all my other classes were online so all i had to do was sit at the computer and watch a videa or read an archived chat session form my class.

I am hoping my attend an actuall classroom with a teacher that i can actually see will help me to get better grades and an understanding for all tha material i am to learn if i wuold end up having a problem with an assignment.

That and my classmates will be hopefully be easier to talk to and get help form since they will be alot closer than most of my online friends from my other school.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My acceptence into Penn State

well i finally got confirmation that Penn State accepted my application for admission. I will start classes on August 24th, two days before the kids go back. My classes will end 12/11/09.

I will be enrolled a bachlor's degree program for Business. I plan on doing the mgmt/mktg option.

My first two classes are Financial & managerial Accounting for Decision Making, along with Introductory macroeconomic Analysis and Policy.

they are online classes as I am a world wide student with penn state for now and i plan to switch wiht taking my classes at an actually campus in a classroom once all the kids are in school. so i will be going part time for now which is ok with me. the good theing is that all the classes are about 15 weeks long instead of just 5.

I am thinking that when Jacob starts preschool next year i might go from 2 classes to 3 this way I can finish a little faster and at the same time work my way up to taking 4 classes when he goes to school full day.

I will try my best to keep up with my blog here along with going to school and marraige counseling. which by the way we do not go back till Aug.5th.

so far things are going alright with us since our first session. it felt good to go and get things out in the open and actually be able to start dealing with all that has been going on. it kind of felt like a weight is slowly being lifted off my shoulders. I just hope it continues to be lifted and not end up come crashing down on me again even harder.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

first night of counceling, and an update

well as most of you can tell i have been away for quite some time. i have been going through a rough time here at home with my marriage again. we decided to go ahead and seek outside help this time. we are both in agreement that about seeing a marriage counseling. but the place we go to calls it marriage therapy.

It felt good to go lat night and get out of things out in the open to hear from someone else that we are not the only couple that have the same type of problems, and hopefully with some help we can work them out and move on.

As far as everything else in my life. things have been going alright. I graduated college with my associates degree in may of this year. I am also getting ready to go back for my bachelor's degree in a month. this time i am going to be attending a "regular" school. I will still be taking my classes online they just won;t be accelerated classes that last only 5 weeks long. Taking those classes like that was very stressful on my with the three kids at home at times.

As far as the kids go they are doing alright even with the tension between Matt and I. Philip is going into 1st grade and he is excited and keeps asking when school starts again. Michael is going to be repeating the second grade as we found out he has some learning disabilities and he is almost a year behind on his math & reading as well as being slight dyslexic. They are going to work on him with all this stuff this school year as well as Matt and I helping him at home.
Jacob turned three this past June. He is getting very big and he is actually pretty smart for his age at least i think he is. he knows most of his ABC's already and some of his colors, and he can count up to 7 already i believe it is. He can hit a baseball with throwing it up it them air and swinging a bat all on his own.

well that is about it.