Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feelin a little let down i guess

I am so not sure of myself right now. Tom, zachary's father, said he was going to call me today to talk about getting together to talk in person. Not necessarily just the two of us but possibily all of us with the kids. well i have not heard from him and i actually feel dissapointed like i used to when i didn;t get a call from him when we were dating.

i actually have the feeling of being letdown. It was like everytime my cell phone rang i got butterflies in the stomach hoping it was him so we could talk. I have tried to call him but all i et is his voice mail.. I left a message for him to call me so we could figure out a time, date and place to get together to talk whether it be jsut the two of us or all of us.

i am not sure how to feel. i find myself thinking of him throughout the day and then i get all freaked out. I am still sitting here hoping he calls yet tonight for some reason.

I am not sure if this is normal because we share a son and we have not spoken to each other in 6 years if not longer and just knowing that he has had contact with our son in more recent years than i did and i want to know all.

1 comment:

Jody said...

You are in my prayer's Amy. I know this is a tough time. Remember I am he if you ever want to chat.