Well let me start off by saying things have been hectic here the past week or so.
I have had vender's pull out from the fair and have had new ones call me for spots so i have been going crazy with that since it is only a month away.
I have started my new class for school and i am already behind with work. I have a 2-3 page paper that was due last Sunday and i still have yet to get it in. Plus I have another 2-3 page paper and a 3-4 paragraph page due For class this Sunday by midnight CT.
I have been swamped with house work and doctor appointments again this week with my mom I am starting to think i may have taken on more than i can handle right now and in another 4 weeks i have my next set of classes starting and then I am in two classes at time which still only last for 5 weeks at a time.
But on a good note Hubby has still been supportive and helpful with all of it. We have had a few moments that were rocky again but we are working them out. SO things are still going pretty well with us.
I am happy and so is he and that i guess is what matters most right now and We know we both love each other and we are also starting to have a better understand of each other and how we feel about certain things. I just wish it didn't take us to almost destroy our marriage to figure it out.
We have even agreed to try to go out more as a couple if not just by ourselves every now and then. Although I am a little nervous about going out by myself and leaving him home alone with the kids and his computer. I told him right out i do not trust him to talk to Alex again in a manner that is not appropriate with him being married and that i would rather him not talk to her right now since i know she has feelings for him. So as far as i know he has not been talking to
her since I last caught him doing so and he lied to me about it. I gave him the ultimatum either he talking stops talking to her or i am out of here and no coming back this time. SO we will how long this lasts this time.
My prayers are with you and your marriage:) I hope things are still going well for you!!
thanks jody.
things are still going well with my marriage but my school work is lacking behind.
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