Monday, September 1, 2008

well it has been a couple of days since my last blog. I have been busy with school work. I have been working on my first 2-3 page paper and my first discussion board paper that consist of 3-4 paragraphs.

I have been trying to juggle all this on top of the kids in school and with having zach calling me each day to come over and see the boys.

it is going alright except for the fact that i feel zach thinks he can do what ever he wants here becasue my mom is not around. I am constantly yelling at him for doing things that he is not suppose to be doing and they are the same things my mom had just got done telling him about right before we left their hotel room.

and he will not leave matt alone. he follows matt around like a puppy and matt is starting to get anoyed at it. zach does this after i get done telling to please leave matt aone that he is working on school work that he needs to get in ( his first monday nigh class is only weeks long and he has a major work load to get done in a short omount of time and can not to any of it while at work even on his lunch break).

I like having him around but i just wish he would listen more and i have brouhgt this up to my mom each nght when i take him back home so i am not sure what is going to happen with it. I have to keep reminding him that the other boys are only half his age and they are way smaller than him and that he can not be SO rough with them. ( he ike to body slam them on my bed, which is only held together with two bolts since we had to saw the box spring in half to get it up the steps)

Sorry if it seems like i am complaining alot here but i am just realy confused as to what to do. i don't want zach to think i do not want him around but yet at the same time i do not want the other three to feel that they have no say in their home. today michael and philip actually told me they do not want zach to come over. they just want to spend time with daddy after he comes home from work.

thanks for listening. I am off to start me second week of school with all my papers and reading.

hope you have a great time enjoying the holiday today and the weather.

we are planning on cooking out on the gril today for dinner ( chicken and steak)

1 comment:

Jody said...

Sounds like Zach is testing his limits. I hope things smooth out with him soon (((HUGS))). I am sick with a summer cold ugh so I am not enjoying too much ugh. Good luck with the school work :).