Monday, January 17, 2011

ok so i have not been doing a good job at blogging on a daily basis but things have been hetic here again, but when are they not..

I started my new semester of classes last week and so far i think i am doing good. I am taking biology and macroeconomics online. I have lots of reading to do for each class so that keeps me busy.

as far as the kids they have been sick on and off with stomach bugs and ear infections. they are better now but they all still have a cough so hoping they are not coming down with anything else.

Had two birthday parties to go sonce my last blog as well. the kids enjoyed themselves at each one very much. got to spend some much needed time with my sister even if we did not get to chat with each other for very long periods of time due to a house full of other people and kids.

the babysitting thing is not going to good as i have not been doing it much since my last post and i am hoping it starts to go back to a regular set schedule instead of a day by day thing as it is kind of hard to plan my days ahead not knowing whether i am going to have the kdis or not even if they are in school. I still have to pick one of them up as he only goes half day.

We also started reorganizing the breezeway and redecorating my kitchen with new furniture. We are getting a new hutch and we got a buffet/ server table as well to help with storage space in the kitchen and some extra counter space as well.

i figured that since the kids were off of school today for the holiday and a new week of classes start today i would try to catch up on my blog before it got too hetic around here again.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ok so today was a fairly easy day again. got the rest of the living room in order for my school work and my business.

was able to read some of my biology book for my up coming class.

i also had to take my neighbor to go fetch his daughter and grandson from where the truck broke down on them and do it all before meeting up with my sister.

I ended up meeting up with my sister for a bit tonight and sitting in on a "orientation" for a primerica about a potential job opportunity that entails having my own business.

Still undecided about it. it sounds nice but with my in schooling, matt's schooling, the kids and the house, and my treasure trove business not to mention the babysitting i am not sure i will have time.

but all in all today was a good day and i am happy to say that i have managed to get a lot done today and still had a little down time to relax.

Monday, January 3, 2011

well today was a good day.. the schedule went alright considering i did not babysit a full day so it was easy to switch things around. Tomorrow i have a few errands to run and then i want to try to get things in the house organized as well.. i need to rearrange my work/desk area around a bit.

I have a doctor's appointment later this week for philip for an evaluation to see if he still has ADD as the school thinks he does along with some signs of dyslexia.

I managed to get an idea of my work load for my biology class since hubby had it this past semester and I have the same instructor. So hopefully it will not be to bad and i can pass it and help pull my GPA back up.

well it was a good day and as it stands it looks like it will continue to keep going good. so here is to the start of a good year ahead.

On that note i want to add that i am hoping to lose weight this year.. My goal is to lose at least 40 pounds by June if at all possible. I am going ot try to do it with out going to any of those diet place such as weight watchers. I want to see if i can do it on my own.. so i am going to start walking and eating better and hopefully i can start to sleep better and get rid of these headaches as well as the pain in my feet that at times it makes it so impossible to walk.

new year fresh start

Well since it is a new year i am hoping ot start fresh with my blog and I am going to try to do a blog every night before I go to bed.

yesterday was a a very busy day for me. I started taking downthe x-mas decorations inthe living room ( mainly the tree) and the kitchen. I wanted to get the furniture in teh living room back in order for the beginning of the school year. I am also going to be gettting back into tastefully simple in a few weeks so i wanted to get the living room back to the way it was. Hopefully i can be MORE organized this year with everything i have going on. I started babysitting about a month ago and then with school, tastefully simple, and my treasure trove business i need to be more organized so i can keep things up to date and in order as not to get anything confused.

I even made up a schedule for myself to follow on a daily basis depending on the circumstances of that day. I have allowed time to do school owrk and house work as well as relax time for my self so we shall see. Today is my first day of following it and so far so good.

I will try to get on and blog tonight to let everyone know if i have followed the schedule and if it will seem to work or not. this week is a trial week sinc ei am not sure how often i will be babysitting this week. it is pretty much day to day this week for that.

Well hope u all have a great day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well 2010 is now gone. it was a very stressful year for me to say the least. My marriage was on the rocks and almost ened but we managed to work things out and now are planning on renewing our vows in 2013 as long as things keep going strong.

I had a lor of ups and downs with school as well. I graduated from AIU with my associates degree and have been working on my bachlor's degree. my classes have not been easy to say the least.. I have managed to switch to online classes and hopefully things will get better.

I got new neighbors downstairs and i thought it would be great since it was a good friend of mine from hight school but there again things have been rocky with us.
One minute things are great and then things are a mess. we seem to fight over the stupidest shit anymore and i am not sure why.

This blog may seem stupid to some of you but it is one way for me to get my head cleared. I have not felt myself for awhile and i am not sure why. not sure if it is that school is upsetting me and that my grades are not so good or the fact that i have been fighting with my friend downstairs. That and i have not had much time to spend with my sister toward the end of the year.
I am going to work on spending more time with her, getting my grades up in school and working on my relationship with my neighbor downstairs, as well as getting myself into better shape. I want to see if i can lose weight and see if that helps my feet issue that i have been battling as well.. i have really bad pain in my feet and it hurts to walk at times to the point i get up and i literally fall right back down.
I am hoping that the doctors are right and that by losing wieght will help the issue if not i may need surgery.

well this is the end of my "rant" of a post so if you made it to the end i wnat to than you for staying with me.
I also want to wish you all ha happy new year and may it be filled with much happiness and good will.