Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ok so today was a fairly easy day again. got the rest of the living room in order for my school work and my business.

was able to read some of my biology book for my up coming class.

i also had to take my neighbor to go fetch his daughter and grandson from where the truck broke down on them and do it all before meeting up with my sister.

I ended up meeting up with my sister for a bit tonight and sitting in on a "orientation" for a primerica about a potential job opportunity that entails having my own business.

Still undecided about it. it sounds nice but with my in schooling, matt's schooling, the kids and the house, and my treasure trove business not to mention the babysitting i am not sure i will have time.

but all in all today was a good day and i am happy to say that i have managed to get a lot done today and still had a little down time to relax.

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