Wednesday, July 15, 2009

first night of counceling, and an update

well as most of you can tell i have been away for quite some time. i have been going through a rough time here at home with my marriage again. we decided to go ahead and seek outside help this time. we are both in agreement that about seeing a marriage counseling. but the place we go to calls it marriage therapy.

It felt good to go lat night and get out of things out in the open to hear from someone else that we are not the only couple that have the same type of problems, and hopefully with some help we can work them out and move on.

As far as everything else in my life. things have been going alright. I graduated college with my associates degree in may of this year. I am also getting ready to go back for my bachelor's degree in a month. this time i am going to be attending a "regular" school. I will still be taking my classes online they just won;t be accelerated classes that last only 5 weeks long. Taking those classes like that was very stressful on my with the three kids at home at times.

As far as the kids go they are doing alright even with the tension between Matt and I. Philip is going into 1st grade and he is excited and keeps asking when school starts again. Michael is going to be repeating the second grade as we found out he has some learning disabilities and he is almost a year behind on his math & reading as well as being slight dyslexic. They are going to work on him with all this stuff this school year as well as Matt and I helping him at home.
Jacob turned three this past June. He is getting very big and he is actually pretty smart for his age at least i think he is. he knows most of his ABC's already and some of his colors, and he can count up to 7 already i believe it is. He can hit a baseball with throwing it up it them air and swinging a bat all on his own.

well that is about it.


Jody said...

My prayers are with you in your marriage. Hopefully the "theropy" will help. ((HUGS)).

Good for you for finishing school and going more!! You must be so proud of yourself. Your kids must be proud of you too!

Sounds like the kids are doing well. It might help Michael to repeat second grade. Especially with the help he will be getting!! (((HUGS)))

amysalli said...

thanks jody. i hope things keep getting better and not come crashing down on me again.

i am sure michael will do fine this year as well as we have been working with him over the summer on certain things as well.