Tuesday, August 12, 2008

well today was a good day for me as far as my back and my hip went. I guess getting to the chiropractor last night helped a bit. I guess it didn;t hurt that i took a muscle relaxer last night before i went to bed as well. that is probably why i got up a little later than normal once again. they seem to knock my butt out.

I got to visit with my "sister" today for a bit and we had fun. I really wish we could get together more than we do but with all the kids and the gas prices. traveling back and forth to each others house, even thought we are not that far from each other, is a bit hard now a days.

I had to take michael to the Dr's today for his med check for his ADHD and he is doing really well on his med. so they gave me another months supply, actually a prescription for it and i hae to get it filled yet. but that is what tomorrow is for.

as for tomorrow i have to go grocery shopping and straighten up the house. and the rest of the week is just as busy with another visit to the doctor for jacob and philip for thier shots and school physical and i have my school orientation and paying bills as well a finishing up laundry again. not to mention two more trips to the chiropractors for adjustments andthen a massage but that is right after i get an adjustment so i do not have to leave and go back again.

then hopefully i can relax over the weekend once again and finish my book that i am not even half way through yet and was hoping to have finished reading by the time my classes start but i should be able to do it.


Starchild079 said...

I had a great time today too...I agree if gas prices were better, we'd be together more...Guess either you have to move up here or I have to move there....

amysalli said...

yea i guess so.

well i do know the gas prices ae coming down here somewhat. hopefully they keep coming down.

Jody said...

You are one busy person LOL. Glad you are feeling some what better!!!